Monday, 1 September 2014

A Tale of Two Eateries

Sandwiched between two well-paved streets,
One gentleman’s tale on good authority has it,
A notorious alley two dingy eateries harbours
Where knaves all day long inebriates become;
Poison from tipsy loins, fences sting, threaten,
Not forgetting smelly mouths which tales vomit.

Downing booze in moderation not their motto,
As the story, told by my genial old mentor, goes,
Drinking sessions, by noisy banters characterized,
Into the wee-hours slip; sleep, from all depriving,
Sunday all-night binge Monday cock-crow muffles,
Absentee workers then, a query in the kitty get.

Time and time again, protests on deaf ears fall,
The octogenarian judge spinning this yarn insists,
Yet, folk benevolent reason soon will prevail, hope
But although promises had with glee been broken,
Not a few, patience thinks the way forward needs,
The sleazy joints will a natural death die believing.

Lagos, Aug. 28, 2014

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