Monday, 10 March 2014


Life can be good anywhere, so says a gist;
How it goes, is what you make of it.

To be born with a silver spoon;
That’s a good start, though thinks not a goon.

Learning can be an advantage, not to a fool;
Only if applied, would there be gain in full.

Failing to plan is like planning to fail;
Unlikely, would anybody a fool’s failure hail.

When opportunity at your door-mouth lands;
Foolish it is be not to hold it with both hands

Hard work hasn’t been known to kill any;
But avoiding it has led to the death of many.

There’s no such thing like marrying a bad wife;
But if often, hits you then, you’re on to a bad life.

If you grow old, it’s good any day for you to die;
But otherwise, what your wife has to say is a lie,

If you died, with cash and property loaded;
On a farewell party, nobody needs to be goaded.

If you leave a will, thinking that that’ll do it;
You’ve got to think again, mistresses don’t go for it.

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